Bachelor & Master Theses

Students studying Media Informatics, Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Cognitive Systems are very welcome to carry out their final thesis project (Bachelor or Master) with us. If you are interested, we recommend that you contact one of the research group staff directly.

In the following, we give information about the topic selection, the thesis process, templates, and a list of concluded theses for your initial orientation.

Topic Selection

We always offer interesting topics in the areas of computer graphics, visualization, deep learning, explainable artificial intelligence, and a special focus on (bio-)medical applications. Students can either work on one of our currently open topics or develop a topic together with one of the research group staff, also on the basis of own ideas. The topics can have a practical as well as theoretical focus. Explorative user studies are also possible.

Thesis Process

In general, the work on a final thesis project can be divided into multiple distinct phases:

  1. Planning Phase: In this phase, the student familiarizes themselves with the subject and collaboratively plans the thesis work with the supervisor. The outcome is a 1-2 page document (document template) outlining the work plan and the objectives of the thesis.
  2. Implementation Phase: During this phase, the objectives defined in the planning phase are realized. This is typically the most time-consuming phase of the project.
  3. Writing Phase: In the final phase, the student writes the thesis either in publication style (preferred - template) or normal style (template), detailing the topic in relation to related work, and discussing both the implementation and the results. The thesis can be written in either German or English.
  4. Submission: The written thesis must be submitted to the Student Administration Office (Studiensekretariat), and no additional submission to the supervisor or examiner is required. Your submission should include a Declaration of Autonomy. However, all code and data associated with the thesis should be provided directly to the supervisor.
  5. Final Presentation: Once the thesis is completed, the student presents their work during our group meeting using the presentation template. Bachelor’s students are required to present for 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion (10+5), while Master’s students must present for 10 minutes with a 10-minute discussion (10+10). Possible dates are discussed in advance with the supervisor.

Throughout all phases, the student maintains close communication with the supervisor, regularly discussing progress and addressing any issues that arise.

All info can also be found here.


Below you can find templates for writing a thesis with our group.

Topics of accomplished theses

Here you can find a list of completed Bachelor and Master theses.
  • AMINO - Designing a Tool for Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of Genetic Mutations on Yeast Cultures thumbnail
  • Evaluating Synthetic Data Generation for Semantic Segmentation in Electron Microscopy thumbnail
  • Active Learning for Improved Classification Model Training thumbnail
  • Scannen von Raumbereichen durch Nutzung von Smartphone Technologie thumbnail
  • Spatial Data Visualizations on 3D Urban Maps thumbnail
  • Expanding Dataset Diversity by using Diffusion Models for Synthetic Training Data thumbnail
  • Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Neural Networks for CT Defect Analysis (External Thesis at Zeiss) thumbnail
  • Neural Audio Fields thumbnail
  • PySplitUbi - A program for measurement and analysis of SplitUb arrays thumbnail
  • Optimization of Semantic Segmentation on 3D Radar Point Clouds thumbnail
  • Learned Reconstruction in (Bio-)Medicine thumbnail
  • Differentiable Rendering for Constructive Solid Geometry thumbnail
  • Transparent Relief Mapping for Rendering Large-Scale Ground Vegetation in Real-Time thumbnail
  • Visualizing Missing Data in Parallel Coordinates thumbnail
  • Generative Models for Order-Independent Point Clouds thumbnail
  • Visualizing Deep Reinforcement Learning thumbnail
  • Denoising Path Tracing Images with Noise2Noise thumbnail
  • Academic-CV thumbnail
  • Rendern von HD-Karten thumbnail
  • leaRNN: Eine Interaktive Visualisieurng rekurrenter neuronaler Netze thumbnail
  • Deriving 3D scenes using Floorplans for photo-realistic Rendering thumbnail
  • Multi-Resolution Rendering für rechenintensive Beleuchtungseffekte thumbnail
  • Visualizing Point Cloud Data Using Augmented Reality thumbnail
  • Interactive 3D visualization of amyloid-beta fibril thumbnail
  • 3D City visualization as an Augmentation to Existing 2D maps thumbnail
  • Interactive Citation Trend Analysis of TVCG Articles thumbnail
  • 3D-Modellierung von Patientenlagerungssystemen für Linearbeschleuniger thumbnail
  • Translucency Rendering using a Deep Screen Space thumbnail
  • Verwendung der HTC Vive Controller für Benutzereingaben in einem Powerwall Setup thumbnail
  • Implementing the Dwivedi Sampling Scheme thumbnail
  • Real-time calculation of model thickness via tessellation into surfels thumbnail
  • Path-tracing of parallel curves thumbnail
  • Node Graph Editor for Rendering Pipelines in OpenGL thumbnail
  • A Deep Learning Journey to 6D Object Detection thumbnail
  • Luminance Estimation of Colorized Near-Infrared Images thumbnail
  • Bone Implant Visualization thumbnail
  • Near-Infrared Colorization Using Color Classes thumbnail
  • Undistortion of Images behind Refracting Geometry thumbnail
  • Deriving Parallax Environment Maps from Panorama Cameras thumbnail
  • Radar Data Visualization to Enhance Scene Comprehension thumbnail
  • Reconstructing 3D Volumes from 2D X-Rays Using Deep Learning thumbnail
  • Interactive Visual Trend Analysis of TVCG Articles thumbnail
  • Evaluating the Perceptual Influence of Shape Overlap in Multiclass Scatterplots thumbnail
  • RoboddrViz - A Visualization of Robot Motion Paths and the corresponding Program Logic in an automatically 3D-Reconsturcted Environment thumbnail
  • Influence of Stereoscopic Rendering on the Perception of Aggregations in Scatterplots thumbnail
  • Evaluation of Multiple Sensory Stimuli in Virtual Meditation Environments thumbnail
  • Generierung von Mosaikbildern mit Fokusdarstellung aus Bildersammlungen thumbnail
  • Radarvisualisierung in der Fahrzeugnavigation thumbnail
  • Visualization of Protein Tunnels Exploiting Cylindrical Projections thumbnail
  • Interactive Shadow Based Surface Acquisition thumbnail
  • God Rays und Volumetrische Lichtstreuung thumbnail
  • Formalizing Visual Representations of Spatial Data using Symbolic Regression thumbnail