Validation of the ViGaTu Immersive Virtual Reality Endoscopy Training System for Physicians and Nurses
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2024
This study evaluates the efficacy of the ViGaTu (Virtual Gastro Tutor) immersive virtual reality (VR) simulator in teaching peri-interventional tasks not commonly covered by traditional endoscopy simulators, such as checking patient data, filling out forms, patient monitoring, and performing sedation. Involving 71 nurses and physicians across 43 centers, the participants underwent VR training simulating an endoscopy procedure, with their actions and timings recorded for analysis. Results showed that 75% of the items were rated as realistic for face validity, and 60% as useful for content validity on a Likert scale, with a System Usability Scale (SUS) score of 70 indicating high usability. Importantly, experienced staff were significantly faster at setting up than beginners, demonstrating the simulator's construct validity. This multicenter study introduces a novel interdisciplinary endoscopy training system that incorporates essential peri-interventional tasks within an immersive VR setting, showing promise for enhancing practical skills in endoscopy.
@article{henninger2024validation, title={Validation of the ViGaTu Immersive Virtual Reality Endoscopy Training System for Physicians and Nurses}, author={Henninger, Dorothea and Engelke, Monika and Kreiser, Julian and Riemer, Valentin and Vierzba, Eva and Dimitriadis, Stavros and Meining, Alexander and Seufert, Tina and Ropinski, Timo and Hann, Alexander}, year={2024}, journal={Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases} }