Dr. José Díaz: Interactive visualization of massive static and dynamic volumetric datasets


The exploration of volumetric data is crucial to understand many phenomena in a wide range of scientific and technological fields.

Due to the ever-increasing size of such datasets, scalable and output-sensitive solutions are needed to provide interactive visualizations on commodity platforms. Up to now, compressed GPU-based volume rendering has shown its effectiveness to overcome bandwith and memory limitations. However, datasets at the giga and tera-scale still represent a challenge for the current compression-based rendering approaches in terms of scalability, compression quality and performance.

In this talk I will present the COVRA volume rendering architecture, that allows an interactive exploration of massive static and dynamic volumetric datasets on desktop PCs, including a tera- scale turbulence simulation with a spatio-temporal resolution of 10244.

Organizational Details

Interactive Visualization of Massive Static and Dynamic Volumetric Datasets

Date: Tuesday, 23rd June 2015
Time: 10:00 am
Room: O27/331