Voreen: A Rapid-Prototyping Environment for Ray-Casting-Based Volume Visualizations
The amount of volume data requiring analysis is rising signifi cantly in many domains. For example, in medicine, computed tomogra- phy and magnetic resonance imaging have changed from seldom-applied special technologies to stan- dard diagnostic tools. Visualization of the acquired volume data is challenging. Scanners used in medi- cal research can create more than 1,000 slices per scan pass, which aren’t manageable with standard visualization techniques. Routine medical diagnos- tics also need new visualization techniques for fast, reliable analysis of the huge amounts of data. Im- portant information must be depicted concisely. To determine what information is important depends on what the medical question is and which scan- ning technologies are used—effective visualizations are usually specialized.
@article{meyer2009voreen, title={Voreen: A Rapid-Prototyping Environment for Ray-Casting-Based Volume Visualizations}, author={Meyer-Spradow, Jennis and Ropinski, Timo and Mensmann, J{\"o}rg and Hinrichs, Klaus}, year={2009}, volume={29}, pages={6--13}, doi={10.1109/MCG.2009.130} }